This activity aims at building a technical platform, consisting of hardware and software, which will increase CERT-RO’s technical capabilities related to cybersecurity incident management and information sharing,
The platform will be interoperable with the EU cooperation mechanisms and the cybersecurity core service platform established through the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Telecom Work Programme 2015 (C{2015) 7381).
The platform will be used to collect, process, disseminate and share data related to cybersecurity incidents, vulnerabilities, threats, events and artefacts, including incident notifications received by CERT-RO. This will enhance CERT-RO’s capabilities for cooperation and information sharing, both at the national level and at the EU level.
In addition to the interfaces and gateways to the cybersecurity core service platform, the technical platform will provide services (information sharing, incident response and coordination, secure communications, data APIs) for different national organizations: digital service providers and operators of essential services (as defined by the NIS Directive), Internet Service Providers, law enforcement authorities, national cybersecurity authorities and other organizations within CERT-RO constituency. In order to assure an efficient sharing and dissemination of the information at the national level, different interfaces (Application Programme Interfaces – APIs) and interconnection software modules will be developed.