CERT-RO has organized the final conference of the project “Enhanced National Cyber Security Services and Capabilities for Interoperability – eCSI”

On 20th of August 2019, at the Marriott hotel in Bucharest, CERT-RO has organized the final conference of the project “Enhanced National Cyber ​​Security Services and Capabilities for Interoperability – eCSI” The event has brought together approximately 80 representatives from the public and private sectors, interested in the issue of cyber security.

The eCSI project, 75% co-financed through the CEF Telecom Program, aims to extend the operational capabilities of CERT-RO, as well as the cyber security services offered at national level, allowing CERT-RO to be interconnected with the EU cooperation mechanisms. The services will be compliant with the requirements stipulated in EU Directive 2016/1148 “NIS DIRECTIVE”, transposed by national Law 362/2018 “Regarding a high common level of security of networks and information systems”.

In the opening remarks, Mr. Ionuț-Valeriu Andrei, State Secretary of Ministry of Communications and Information Society, has outlined the importance of the project for the Ministry of Communications from the perspective of the services developed by CERT-RO, as well as from the perspective of implementing the NIS Directive.

Mr. Cătălin Aramă, General Manager of CERT-RO, has pointed out the importance of cooperation in cyber security, the role of the Europe Interconnection Mechanism and the role of the NIS Directive in ensuring a safe cyber security climate. It has been also presented the unique emergency number for Cyber ​​Security issues, 1911, and the statistics resulting from the reported calls.

The conference has highlighted the final results of the eCSI project and the methods for interconnection with the National Cyber ​​Security Platform, developed within the NCSP platform, in the context of implementing the concepts and mechanisms of the NIS Directive.

Also, the platform for information exchange on cyber security incidents (MISP) has been presented, exemplifying the working methods and mechanisms for interconnection.

CERT-RO representatives have answered questions asked by the participants and the conclusions will be helpful to improve the responsiveness to the malicious activities in cyber space.

CERT-RO launches the Enhanced National Cyber Security Services and Capabilities for Interoperability eCSI project

The eCSI Project: Roadmap to Enhanced Cooperation in Cyber Security event is held today, February 14 at the Impact Hub in Bucharest. The event marks the launch of the Enhanced National Cyber Security Services and Capabilities for Interoperability – eCSI project, implemented by CERT-RO. The Secretary of State in the Ministry of Communications and Information Society Ms. Manuela Catrina and the General Director of CERT-RO, Cătălin Aramă, held the opening adress. The subsequent discussions were moderated by the Deputy General Director of CERT-RO, Mircea Grigoraș.
The eCSI project, co-financed through the Connecting Europe Facility Europe Facility (CEF) Telecom Work Programme 2015 (C(2015) 7381), benefits from a 869.000 euro grant and aims to extend CERT-RO cyber security capabilities and services it offers at a national level. The project will connect CERT-RO with the European cooperation platform and contribute to the compliance process mandated by the EU Directive on Security of Network and Information Systems (NIS Directive). The implementation phase will be two years long.
The project kick-off event aims to facilitate dialogue with cyber security specialists from companies and institutions under the NIS umbrella. It specifically fosters concrete means of cooperation in information and data exchange platforms, data formats and interfaces, as well as recommended software tools.
The event will gather representatives from NIS-specific national authorities and companies, internet service providers, academia and cyber security specialists.
Person of contact: Cătălin Pătrașcu – Project Manager (tel. no. 031 6202187, fax 031 6202190, e-mail [email protected])

Press release: CERT-RO organizes the first eCSI workshop

Today, June 29, 2018, the first workshop of the project “Enhanced National Cyber ​​Security Services and Capabilities for Interoperability – eCSI” was held in Constanta.


More than 40 representatives from the public, private and academic environment discussed the best interconnection methods at the National Cyber ​​Security Platform developed within the project. The capabilities developed will allow for the interconnection of the CERT-RO platform with the European-developed cooperation platform and will help ensure CERT-RO compliance with the requirements of the NIS Directive.


At European level, EU Directive 2016/1148 (NIS Directive) seeks to ensure a high common level of security in the Member States, both through European cooperation mechanisms and by imposing an obligation on Member States to have a suitable regulatory framework for to ensure that incidents are notified and minimum security measures are taken by service providers in seven key sectors and by digital service providers. The seven key sectors are: Transport, Energy, Drinking Water, Infrastructure of the Financial Market, Banking, Medical, Digital Infrastructure.


In this context, the eCSI project, co-financed 75% by the European Interconnection Mechanism (CEF Telecom), aims to extend CERT-RO’s cyber security capabilities and cyber security services at the level of national network by developing a National Cyber ​​Security Platform that will connect the public and private organizations in Romania and the establishment of a Call Center on Cyber ​​Security and a Malware Investigation and Investigation Laboratory.

Comunicat de presă: CERT-RO organizează primul workshop din cadrul proiectului ‘eCSI’

Astăzi, 29 Iunie 2018, s-a desfășurat la Constanța primul workshop din cadrul proiectului “Enhanced National Cyber Security Services and Capabilities for Interoperabilities – eCSI”.

Peste 40 de reprezentanți din mediul public, privat și academic au dezbătut cele mai bune metode de interconectare la Platforma Națională de Securitate Cibernetică dezvoltată în cadrul proiectului. Capabilitățile dezvoltate vor permite interconectarea platformei CERT-RO cu platforma de cooperare dezvoltată la nivel european și vor contribui la asigurarea conformității CERT-RO cu cerințele Directivei NIS.

La nivel european, Directiva UE 2016/1148 (Directiva NIS) încearcă să asigure un nivel comun ridicat de securitate în statele membre, atât prin mecanisme de cooperare europeană, cât și prin instituirea obligativității pentru statele membre de a avea un cadru de reglementare adecvat pentru a asigura notificarea incidentelor și adoptarea unor măsuri minime de securitate de către operatorii de servicii din șapte sectoare esențiale și de către furnizorii de servicii digitale. Cele șapte sectoare esențiale sunt: Transporturi, Energie, Apă potabilă, Infrastructuri ale pieței financiare, Bancar, Medical, Infrastructură digitală.

În acest context, proiectul eCSI, co-finanțat în proporție de 75% prin Mecanismul pentru Interconectarea Europei (CEF Telecom), își propune să extindă capabilitățile CERT-RO în domeniul securității cibernetice, precum și serviciile de securitate cibernetică pe care le oferă la nivel național, prin dezvoltarea unei Platforme Naționale de Securitate Cibernetică în care se vor putea conecta organizațiile publice și private din România și prin înființarea unui Call-Center pe probleme de Securitate Cibernetică și a unui Laborator de Analiză și Investigație Malware.